While modern dentistry offers several options for the missing gaps, dental implants have remained the most preferred choice for many patients.
Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing one tooth, a few teeth, or even a full set. They are the closest to having a real set of healthy teeth that can help improve your quality of life.
If your dentist has recommended implants but you’re unsure what it all entails, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
We’ve compiled a list of seven important things you need to keep in mind before booking that first implant appointment.
1. Dental Implants Look, Feel, and Function Like Natural Teeth
2. The Dental Implant Process Takes Time
3. Eligibility Criteria
4. Dental Implants Success Rate
Considering all factors such as health and age, dental implants still have a high success rate of 95% according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS). If your dentist considers you a good candidate for the procedure, you’ll enjoy the comfort and stability that dental implants offer for many years.
5. Dental Implant Cost
For dental implants, no two procedures are the same. The dental exams, 3D x-rays, teeth extraction, jawbone density, and the number of implants required are just some of the variables that make up the final cost. But generally, the cost of one dental implant in Idaho Falls ranges between $1,000 to $4,000. Keep in mind that the more implants you have placed, the less expensive the price per implant gets.
6. Dental Implants Can Support Dentures and Partials
Dentures and partials are attached to the gum line using a sticky adhesive and over time, the adhesive depletion may lead to the teeth movement in the mouth, reduced bite force, and severe discomfort. However, your dentist can place implants under your dentures or partials for a more secure prosthesis.
7. Dental Implant Care
Just like natural teeth, you need to keep a high standard of oral hygiene. While dental implants are immune to cavities, lapses in dental care including brushing, flossing, and frequent dental check ups can lead to the spread of gum disease in the areas surrounding the implant reducing its shelf life.
Contact Dixon Dental Center for the Best Dental Implant Services in Idaho Falls
Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. If you’re tired of hiding your smile or staying away from your favorite foods, contact Dixon Dental Center. We are the trusted experts for high-quality and affordable dental implant services in Idaho Falls. Contact us today to get the dental care you need to live your best life.